Many reports today. One I had was to build one of the units in Fukushima Daiichi court and in accordance with a structure for support. Leakspinner has, I believe, now on his channel. Look through their latest updates. Among other things, is another nuclear crisis in Japan, takes place here: increased radiation in a unit of a nuclear reactor in western Japan, probably due to losses fuel coolingWater, said that the facility operator on Monday. No radiation was released outside, said the Japan Atomic Power Co. in a statement. Occurred at a plant in Tsuruga, about 350 kilometers (220 miles) west of Tokyo and 90 miles from Kyoto, while the rescuers to continue their efforts to stabilize the tsunami-hit nuclear plant in northeastern Japan Fukushima. After a regular check to Tsuruga on Monday, the density of xenon-133 gas and iodine-133 had gone to primaryThe cooling water in a system of two nuclear reactors, the press release. "We found that it was perhaps the loss of the fuel and control the density of the radioactive substances in the primary coolant," he said. The company was considering the closure of the reactor depth investigation, the statement said. Citizens media SPIN NHK and the inclusion of the cover-up ATTENTION false "facts". If you live in Japan,Please ...
Keywords: nuclear fallout fall out, radiation poisioning, wtf, update for today, nhk world news japan, tokyo electric power company, unit 1 2 3 4 5 6, arnie gundersen, inadvertent criticality, anger management, wtf cat, nuclear regulatory, iaea, auto sales, help from government
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